One of my favorite projects in college was the editorial design. We were tasked to use our own story and create a design of it as if it were in a magazine. I wrote about my childhood and my imagination. It was fun reliving those moments for a little while.

In my time at Seattle University's Wellness and Health Promotion, I was tasked to do many things. One of the most time-consuming yet most rewarding tasks I've done was designing the MODE, Marijuana and Other Drugs, workbook. It both had to be visually appealing so that it would not intimidate people taking this workshop while also getting important information across.

The month of April is Alcohol Awareness Month. I designed posters, tabletents, infographics and social media posts for Wellness and Health Promotion to be posted around campus.

I love music. One of my favorite things to do aside from designing is writing and singing songs. In one of my school projects, we were tasked to design an album art, and what better song to make one of (that didn't already have one) than my own.